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Thursday, May 24, 2012

Strawberry-Rhubarb Smoothies

With cinnamon, with orange extract, with vanilla extract, with vanilla extract and cinammon

Ian gave me some rhubarb a couple of weeks ago but I didn’t have time to make anything so I chopped it up and froze it. Ian is going home for the weekend and had strawberries that needed to be eaten so we froze those and looked for strawberry-rhubarb smoothie recipes. We found a bunch of different recipes last night but none were a perfect fit so we decided to make our own. Here is what we came up with:

1 cup frozen strawberries
¾ cup frozen rhubarb
¾ banana
1 6 oz container of vanilla greek yogurt
1 TBS agave nectar
½ cup apple juice

Vanilla extract

Throw it all in the blender and blend! Then liquefy or puree to try to get those rhubarb strings to go away.

If you don’t like it as sweet add less agave nectar – I like it sweet so I added more agave than Ian did. You might have to play with the ratios according to what you like. Try starting out with half of the ingredients and test tasting it before you add in the rest.

I topped mine with cinnamon and that turned out great! Ian put vanilla extract in his and it was pretty delicious as well. We also tested orange extract in it – ew. And peppermint extract – disgusting. However, I think if you had crushed mint leaves it might be worth a try…maybe not. Let me know if you try any other additions!

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