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Sunday, December 25, 2011

Edible Raw Cake Batter Cookie Dough!

Don't bake cookies out of this dough, it's not as good as it is raw!

Do you love making cookies? Is it because you love to eat the raw dough? Does it make you feel sick afterwards? I answered yes to all of these questions the other day after Ian and I made cookies. I only had a bite of the baked cookies because I was too full and sick from eating so much dough! So I searched for a recipe that didn’t contain eggs so that I could eat it raw. It was delicious!

1.5 cups flour
2/3 cup yellow cake mix
¼ tsp salt
½ cup butter, melted
½ cup sugar
1 tsp vanilla extract
2 TBS sprinkles!
4-8 TBS water ( I used 8)

Mix it all together except for the water. Add 1 TBS of water at a time. Enjoy!

I have to give credit to the website where I found this; she has chocolate chip and sugar cookie dough recipes as well: 

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