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Thursday, May 24, 2012

Strawberry Poppyseed Dressing

¼- ½ cup sliced strawberries (I used a ½ cup)
1 TBS diced red onion
1/3 cup white vinegar
¼ cup white sugar (I only had brown sugar on hand and it worked fine)
¼ tsp salt
1 clove garlic diced
½ cup extra virgin olive oil (I used a little less than this< it just seemed like a lot!)
1 TBS poppyseeds

Put all ingredients EXCEPT POPPYSEEDS in food processer and blend well! Stir in the poppyseeds. You will have to put it in a container and shake it up to get it mixed well. Put on your favorite salad!

Everyone loved this salad dressing! The recipe says it only lasts 48 hours so cut the recipe in half if you don’t think you can use it all. These amounts were good for 8 salads. 

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