What should I make next?

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Raspberry Corona Vodka Cocktail

1/2 cup of fresh raspberries or frozen
2 bottles of corona (12oz) beer, chilled 
1/2 container frozen raspberry lemonade concentrate, thawed or pink lemonade
1/4 cup good quality vodka

You can mix everything together in a large container and serve over ice. But what we did was try to blend it all in a blender. What happens when you try to blend beer? My friend Erin and I figured that consequence out quickly. So the next time we blended everything but the beer. Then we mixed in the beer and served. We didn't need ice either, with the frozen concentrate and frozen berries it stayed cold enough. Or we drank it fast enough :)

I had been wanting to make this recipe forever!! The link is right here and her pictures are a lot prettier!

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