What should I make next?

Monday, December 12, 2011

Quinoa Goddess Salad (Vegan)

Quinoa is packed full of protein, fiber and low in cholesterol!

I had a group dinner last weekend and I have a work potluck on Tuesday so I decided I would stock up on ingredients and make the same thing. I have a lot of quinoa (thanks to my Mom stocking me up at Costco) so I started with that. I added some veggies, pumpkin seeds and seasoning of course. One of my coworkers is vegan so I added a vegan dressing (Annie’s Goddess Dressing). Here it is!

1 and ½ cups quinoa
3 cups vegetable broth
Seasoning (I used Costco’s no salt seasoning and salt, I know it’s silly)
1 TBS minced garlic
2 TBS lemon juice
1 cup shredded carrots
½ red onion, chopped
1 zucchini, chopped
1 avocado, cubed
¼ cup pumpkin seeds
1 cup Annie’s Goddess dressing (to taste)


1.       Combine quinoa and vegetable broth and boil on high heat. Once boiling reduce to simmer and cook until no water remains. Add the seasoning (be greedy) and garlic.
2.       Throw all the vegetables into a large bowl.
3.       Once quinoa is cooked, mix into bowl with veggies. Add lemon juice and mix.
4.       Chill for a couple of hours. I made this hours before I needed to serve it so that the quinoa had time to chill.
5.       Before you are ready to serve add the dressing and pumpkin seeds. Mix well!


I loved this salad!! We will see what my co-workers say…

Also, you can throw in whatever veggies you have in the fridge; broccoli, bell peppers, mushrooms, spinach, etc. This is a quick, complete meal!  Ian would argue that the lack of meat does not make it a complete meal but quinoa is a complete protein :)

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